But what are the Condenser Working Principles? Join us and read more. Condensers are generally devices that convert gases into liquid by condensing and heating. We will introduce the Different Types of condensers here. Join us
What is a Condenser?
In systems involving heat transfer, a condenser is a device or unit used to condense a gaseous substance into a liquid state through cooling. In so doing, the latent heat is released by the substance and transferred to the surrounding environment. Condensers are used for efficient heat rejection in many industrial systems. Condensers can be made according to numerous designs, and come in many sizes ranging from rather small (hand-held) to very large (industrial-scale units used in plant processes). For example, a refrigerator uses a condenser to get rid of heat extracted from the interior of the unit to the outside air. Read more
How does a condenser work?
he first phase is desuperheating; to understand what desuperheating is you have to get familiar with the concept of saturation temperature. Saturation temperature is the point at which refrigerant state starts to change. By reaching to that point, the vapor is going to turn into liquid state.
Type of Condenser
Condenser Types have three main categories:
Air-cooled condenser
Water-cooled condenser
Evaporative Condenser
Air-cooled condenser: Condensers of this type use air as the external fluid to reject the heat from the system. Air-cooled condensers usually have copper coils where refrigerant flows in. But this is not the whole story; this type is subcategorized into two subsets: natural convection and forced convection. Read more here
What is a water cooled condenser?
Water cooled – Although a little pricier to install, these condensers are the more efficient type. Commonly used for swimming pools and condensers piped for city water flow, these condensers require regular service and maintenance. They also require a cooling tower to conserve water. To prevent corrosion and the forming of algae, water cooled condensers require a constant supply of makeup water along with water treatment.
Depending on the application you can choose from tube in tube, shell and coil or shell and tube condensers. All are essentially made to produce the same outcome, but each in a different way. The six water cooled vacuum condensers are destined for power plants in Belgium, England, the Netherlands, Sweden, Russia and Germany. The water cooled vacuum condensation plants are shell and tube type heat exchangers.
In the following, we will introduce water cooled condenser types.
There are different types for this condenser that each one of them is designed to suit different needs. We will introduce the most common types to help you choose the right one for your application. Here are 4 popular types of water cooled condenser:
Double-tube condensers In this type of condenser, a refrigerant flows through the condenser’s outer tubes while the water flows through inner tubes. In this design, as the name suggests, there are different tubes inside and outside the condenser. The inner tubes are small and the outer ones are large and are formed into a coil-shape that helps save the space as well as reducing the costs. There’s usually a cooling tower inside this condenser type to help the re-circulation of the water. Click for read more
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