A ball valve is a form of quarter-turn valve which uses a hollow, perforated and pivoting ball to control flow through it. It is open when the ball's hole is in line with the flow and closed when it is pivoted 90-degrees by the valve handle.The handle lies flat in alignment with the flow when open, and is perpendicular to it when closed, making for easy visual confirmation of the valve's status. The shut position 1/4 turn could be in either CW or CCW direction.
There are many things to consider when you decide to buy ball valve parts. You should know the ball valve well enough and for that, you need to learn each and every part and gain a deep understanding of ball valve replacement parts to find the right Valevs for your system. Linquip gathered around all the necessary information you need to know about ball valve parts in this article. So read on and enjoy effortless learning.click for read more
What is a Ball Valve?
Ball valves are mechanical devices capable of controlling, guiding, directing, and modulating the flow of different substances such as gas, pressure, liquids, etc. There are different ball valve types with various designs for specific uses, but basic ball valve parts are the same among them. Different ball valves can be classified based on different features.
Designed for efficiency, with precise control and leak-free operations, control ball valves are used for continuous and precise control in closed circuits. Siemens recommends control ball valves especially for air handling units and the 6-port control ball valves for heated and chilled ceilings.see more
What are the flow control valves?
Flow control valves are units designed to regulate the pressure or the flow of a fluid. There are a few devices such as temperature gauges or flow meters, providing signals for flow control valves which intrigues their operation.
Control valves are normally fitted with actuators and positioners. Pneumatically-actuated globe valves and diaphragm valves are widely used for control purposes in many industries, although quarter-turn types such as (modified) ball and butterfly valves are also used.
Control valves can also work with hydraulic actuators (also known as hydraulic pilots). These types of valves are also known as automatic control valves. The hydraulic actuators respond to changes of pressure or flow and will open/close the valve. Automatic control valves do not require an external power source, meaning that the fluid pressure is enough to open and close them. see more
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